
Wednesday 10 February 2010


You can imagine that, after a hard days work and a long commute (think, finish at 5pm, arrive home at 7pm), the last thing I want to do is to cook a delicious, healthy, nutritionally balanced meal. The trouble is, I don't want to resort to ready meals or anything near that elk either. Now, the Boy is very good, I must admit. He often cooks and has something ready for me when I get home - yes, he is somewhat perfect and no, you can't have him - but alas, my chef is working long hours of late. So my solution has been to prepare things in advance. It takes a little organisation but its well worth it. Tonights concoction was a simple Beef Stroganoff. It can bubble away happily while you get on with life and keeps for ages as well as freezing well.

Simple Strog

Ingredients: (enough for four)
350g stewing beef (as lean as possible)
1 large onion
a tab of butter
275ml red wine
200g mushrooms (sliced)
1tbsp wholegrain mustard
a little grated nutmeg
200ml half fat creme fraíche

- Melt the butter in a casserole dish or deep saucepan and gently fry the onions until golden
- Trim of any fat and cut the meat into 5mm strips (length, for once, is not important so go with your instincts)
- Remove onions from pan and brown the meat on a high heat
- Put the onions back in the pan with the beef, season and add the wine and mustard
- Allow to simmer gently for around one hour, stirring every so often
- Add the mushrooms and cook on a low heat for another thirty minutes
- Allow to cool slightly* then stir in creme fraíche and a touch of nutmeg

Serve with:
Rice or a jacket potato and fresh veg

Delia does something very similar with white wine or, she suggests, dry cider.
*at this point, you can leave it to cool completely if you're going to store it. Simply stir in the creme fraíche before heating very gently then serve when you're ready.

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