
Friday, 20 January 2012

Bar of goodness!

Try as I might, I can't help but love to snack. I do my best to go for healthy options but sometimes I (like everyone out there) need a little convenience in my life. I have a dreadful sweet tooth too so I was delighted to happen upon Nakd bars in the supermarket while on a sneaky hunt for chocolate.

They're soft, chewy bars of simple ingredients with no weird additives to speak of. My favourite bar is the cashew cookie (above) which is made up of a virtually fifty-fifty combination of cashew nuts and dates.
Their simplicity means that they're gluten, wheat and dairy free which makes them an easy go-to for those that suffer with allergies or intolerances.

Despite its distinct lack of ingredients, it tastes remarkably like cookie dough and one bite leads to another... Before I know it, the entire bar is gone! Which has got me wondering... How easy would they be to make? Have a look at my cashew cookie bar recipe to find out!


Anonymous said...

OMG I love these bars! It's great that someone thought of something so simple. Raw foods are great for you.

I've tried a couple of the flavous - Cocoa Orange is not something I'd want everyday but the Peacan Pie is to die for and I'd highly recommend it.

It would be great to have a recipe if you figure something out as they are a little on the pricey side ...

Sarah said...

I didn't know that they HAD a pecan pie version! Oh my...

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