I'm going for a career change. My job has been, at times, fun but for the most part, its been exceedly stressful. So, I've found something new that will take me back to my beloved Bristol and my lovely family. My job hunt was a rather scary process but leafing through yesterday's copy of the London Evening Standard this morning, I found this article. Now, baring in mind the survey was by Waitrose it might've skewed the results some what. Still, its heartening to know that we're not just interested in becoming glamour models and pop stars anymore!
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Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Monday, 7 December 2009
Lunchables Follow Up
Well, the lunches continue to trickle in. Thanks to all of those that took the trouble to pick up their camera (or increasingly their mobile) and send me copies of their lunch. It's been an interesting week of culinary conversations. These have partly centred around my colleagues bemusement surrounding my lunch-time photo habit which has sparked questions and giggles.
Today I've been sent a rather belated photo by the boy.
Monday's Lunch for the Boy: mixed salad (from salad bar) and a jacket potato
Location: Power Station, South West
Price: 94p
The Boy is always singing the praises of his work canteen. He works in a power station (just call him Homer) and, understandably, it's miles from anywhere so his employer provides the whole site with food at a cut-rate price. One of his favourites is a medium sized salad box from an abundant salad bar which costs only 51p. Bargain!
Friday, 4 December 2009
Lunchables Day 5 - Suburban lunchbox

Friday's Lunch for MC: sandwich, banana (non-doodled variety), kettle chips and chocolate.
Location: Office
Cost: ?
'I usually have sandwich fillers or leftover meat from previous meals with chutney or mayo.' says he. 'Today I'm having my usual combo of sandwich, fruit, crisps and something chocolately. I would like to have some salad in my sandwich too but we only seem to have mixed rocket salad which isn't sandwichy enough in my opinion - more crunch please!'
I'm all for floppy salad personally but I guess a little iceberg doesn't go a miss now and again!
Lunchables Day 5 - Salad!
Location: UK office
Cost: less than £1 all in. Bargain!
And so my week of reporting comes to an end. To finish, I'm having a little salad prepared this morning (bar the dressing). The chopped tomato really adds to the satisfaction factor in this lunch. My trick is to keep a jar of home-made salad dressing in the fridge at work so that my salad doesn't go soggy. Easy!
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Lunchables Day 4 - Brie and Grapes
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Lunchables Day 3 - Local Government
To make up for my lack of lunch and therefore lack of posting, I thought I would give you a snapshot of local government cuisine. A friend works in the transport department of our home towns council offices and here she guides us through (with very helpful annotations) her lunch today.

Thank you, little Miss LG!
Lunchables Day 3 - Famished
If you're waiting for an update on what I've eaten today, I'm afraid you might be waiting awhile... The Boy really won't be pleased with me but I haven't actually had lunch so far today. I've been caught up in meetings then travelling then more meetings and I've had no time or opportunity to eat. Terrible. My sustenance so far today has been in the form of a box of carrot sticks.
It seems that skipping lunch is becoming a depressingly common trend.
It seems that skipping lunch is becoming a depressingly common trend.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Lunchables Day 2 - Posh sarnies
Location: MD's home in a cute Cotswold cottage
Cost: Free! Yay! The wonder of expenses....
Today, I got a treat... I organised a big (scary) meeting with some important clients and for that I got to order some delicious baguettes and sandwiches. I had a one with smoked salmon, dill sauce, lemon juice and black pepper and another with brie, bacon and chilli jam. Very tasty!
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