Ever tried venison? If not, don't be scared. You don't have to build up the courage to go into your local butcher and ask for it (though I'd recommend that you do!) as the supermarkets are stocking it at the moment. It's a really delicious meat. Grab yourself some venison steak and add a little glug of balsamic vinegar about an hour before hand to tenderise it then heat a pan with a little ground nut oil until it's good and hot. Add a little butter and place your steak into the pan having quickly seasoned it (don't do this too far in advance or the salt will draw the moisture out of the meat). Let it cook for a few minutes then turn to let the other side cook. Cooking time depends how you like your steak (if you haven't tried venison, treat it like a beef steak) and how big each steak is. Try not to turn it too often as I've heard chefs say it makes the meat tough. Serve with veg and some mash for a hearty winter warmer!
Thanks to Dave for inspiration on this one!